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The 4 Things a CEO Must Never Delegate

March 02, 20172 min read


So today I’m here actually speaking to you at the end of the two day business excellence forum in Houston Texas, and, we had amazing, amazing presenters. We had Keith Cunningham yesterday. We had Ivan Misner. We had Travis Bell. And, today we had Tim Brown, Hall of Fame football player. We had Paul Dunn, and we had Richard Malone, and then at the end of the day we had Brad.

There’s so many notes I want to share with you. So, I’m going to actually look because I want to do one from Keith, who was completely, totally and utterly amazing. This is the four things an owner, or CEO, must never delegate.

So, the first one: getting clarity on the obstacle, getting clear on the strategy required to overcome the obstacle, and then building the machine that can do it. So, the owners job is to identify the obstacles.

Now, one of the things he shared with us is, that the gap between where we are, and where we are committed to being, many times we call that the problem. It’s not the problem! It’s the symptom. That’s not the obstacle. So, he says, many times we’ll go, and we’ll solve the problem that is not. So, be sure that you’re looking at what is the core obstacle, so that you can build a machine to overcome it.

The second thing that he said is the culture. So, culture is not the values. The values may be up on the wall, and they may be important to the organization. He’s defining culture as the way people treat one another, and that when we tolerate mediocrity, when we tolerate people not being great with one another, then we actually have the culture of mediocrity, and you’re never going to have an excellent company if you tolerate these kinds of things.

The other one is the prioritization and allocation of resources. So, the only one who has the entire big picture is the owner, or CEO, to be able to say this is the priority, right here, right now, and I’m allocating resources in this way.

And, the last one is the organization chart, which is the structure of the company – how it’s designed. The organization of it, and then, who’s doing what. And, of course, everyone is familiar with: you have to have the right people in the right seats doing the right thing at the right time for the right reason.

I’m seeing it in one of my clients, right now, having the wrong person and now that person isn’t there, and the nightmare that we’ve been uncovering. The right people make the biggest difference in your company, so be sure you’ve got the right people.

Those are the four things that an owner, or CEO, must always keep as their job.

Have a great day!

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Doug Barra

Hi, I'm Doug Barra. I've been working with the owners of small and medium sized businesses for 18 years to take their businesses to the next level. I am committed to seeing business owners thrive.

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